Admissions Procedure

You are welcome to visit The Beehive, to make an appointment please phone, email or contact us on messenger via our Facebook page.

Let us know what sessions you require and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. We ask that your child attend for a minimum of 2 sessions per week as this supports their settling in and helps them build routines and relationships.

Please fill out a registration form to secure a place.

We do not currently ask for a deposit however we do ask that you inform us as soon as you know of any changes to your requirements. We are a small setting, and it can be costly to hold a place for a child who doesn’t attend.

Policies and Procedures

A file containing all of our policies and procedures is available at all times and can be found under the signing in book in the entrance hall. Copies of specific policies are available on request.

Complaints – If you have a concern or complaint, please speak to Jan at Shalden or Annette at Lindford, we take complaints very seriously and would hope to address most issues promptly and to the satisfaction of all concerned.  A copy of our complaints procedure is available in the policy file and outlined below. The telephone number to make a complaint directly to Ofsted is 0300 123 1231


Safeguarding Children - The Beehive is committed to creating an environment which promotes and safeguards the welfare of children. All staff undertake basic safeguarding training as part of their induction and further training as appropriate. Senior staff maintain level 4 safeguarding certification. Our safeguarding policy is in line with the guidance and procedures of the Hampshire Local Safeguarding Partnership.

Our priority is to the wellbeing of the child, and as a setting we aim to support families who are experiencing difficulties by encouraging open communication to enable us to provide support.

We have a duty of care to the children, and where appropriate will refer allegations, complaints or concerns relating to a child via an interagency referral or to the police. Our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures can be found in the policy folder under the signing in book.  Copies are available on request.

Illness/Absence – The Beehive is unable to care for sick children If your child has a temperature, an in identified rash or is otherwise unwell, please keep them at home. If your child has vomited or has had diarrhoea, please do not send them to Pre-school for a clear 48 hours after symptoms have stopped. Please do not give Calpol (or similar) to your child, in the hope they will get through the day, they may still be contagious.

If your child is absent for any reason, please telephone the Beehive to notify staff before 10am on the day, this forms part of our safeguarding policy.

Should a child become sick whilst at the Beehive, every attempt will be made to contact parents. Please ensure that you indicate where you can be contacted. The school reserves the right to send a child to hospital in an emergency. A copy of our Health & Hygiene Policy and Procedures are available on request.

Collection of Children - Please ensure that you collect your child on time. Late collection can be very upsetting for some children. As well as the cost implications of late collections, Staff members usually have commitments at the end of the day, so lateness has an impact on our own families.

If anyone, other than yourself or a previously authorized person is to collect your child from Pre-school you must let us know beforehand. We will usually ask for identifying information such as a car number plate or password.



Mobile Phones and devices with Image sharing capabilities - Mobile phones and devices with image sharing capabilities (e.g. smart watches) are not to be used by visitors on the premises, arrangements can be made if you need to use you phone.

Smoking - We operate a no smoking and no vaping policy and ask that you do not smoke within the grounds of the village hall or within sight of the children.

Communication - We aim to ensure parents and carers are kept informed and able to communicate with us as much as possible.  We do this through a number of methods including our WhatsApp broadcast list and private WhatsApp return messaging, termly newsletters and Tapestry (the children’s online learning journals). We are available to speak every day at drop off and pick-up and will provide a private place to discuss any issues of concern. Please speak to us immediately if you have any concerns or information to share.

Driving Safely – Please drive safely through the village and entering the car park. People using the car park do so entirely at their own risk. The school accepts no responsibility for injury, damage, or loss to persons, vehicles or property when using the parking facilities.

Clothing - Children often get mucky! We suggest older clothes so children can play and create without worry. School sweatshirts and polo shirts are available to buy, but the uniform is entirely optional. There are spare clothes at school for accidents, but as we always try to promote independence, it is really important to dress your child in clothes that are easy to manage whilst using the toilet, i.e. avoiding dungarees, stiff belts and buttons. We have access to the outside every day, please supply a pair of named wellies boots and a waterproof coat.